The Challenge:
Create a local integrated marketing campaign for Boxed, an online wholesaler known as "Costco for Millennials." From a given list of local markets, my team and I were tasked to use digital, non-digital, word of mouth, and guerilla marketing tactics to acquire new customers for Boxed.
Target Audience:
Affluent moms living in suburban areas.
Key Insights:
Lifestyle insight: Moms are understandably busy, so they look to quality family time for peace of mind.
Shopping insight: Moms usually buy in bulk to prepare for events/activities and cater to family needs.
Position Boxed as an inspiration hub for proactive planning and shopping to encourage moms to buy in bulk more often. Boxed provides them peace of mind to focus on the things that matter most: their family.
Our integrated campaign is projected to gain over 23.9M impressions, earn Boxed $965K in revenue, and achieve a 3:86:1 ROAS. Our work is compiled in a 31-page proposal, showcased below.
My Role:
Lead Researcher & Planner: I led the competition team to unearth industry and consumer insights through secondary research. Additionally, I helped develop qualitative research guides, survey questionnaire, and helped conduct primary research to uncover important insights that informed the creative brief.
interview research guide
Marketing Analyst. Brand Strategist
The Multiple Sclerosis Association of America's (MSAA) met difficulties in gaining traction for their DIY fundraiser program, Swim For MS. Sign-ups were high, but participation and actual funds raised didn't meet their organizational objectives.
Create a 12-month promotional plan that increases awareness, involvement, and funds raised for the Swim for MS program.
Target Audience:
College and high school-aged students (Gen Z) with a passion for supporting MSAA and the MS population across the US.
Key Insights:
Gen Z is driven by causes
Gen Z wants to make an impact on the world and want their impact to be seen and recognized
Gen Z is heavily influenced by peers
Create an ambassador program that actively engages with students to increase fundraiser donations and participation, while sharing stories of the MS community that MSAA has supported.
Our campaign was applauded by the clients for creative executions, strategic media recommendations, and the featuring of real people from the MS community.
My Role:
Account Manager: I led the Intern Project team through the 4-week duration of the project. I coordinated team meetings and documented minutes, kept track of project timeline, and made sure that projects went smoothly. I was also the team representative in the client Q&A and was the point of contact with project advisors.
Researcher & Planner: I took charge of conducting secondary and primary research to uncover important target insights. I created a quantitative survey to gain knowledge about Gen Z's involvement with non-profit organizations and worked with media planners to develop a media plan for our campaign.